Did you know that TSPS the best source for obtaining your CEUs? Yes, we are sure most of you know about the awesome courses presented at Convention and the really thoughtful and insightful courses developed by our members themselves and presented at Symposium; but, did you know that being active in TSPS can provide additional CEU opportunities? By attending chapter meetings and becoming active on committees, you have the opportunity to get to know fellow surveyors and learn from their experiences in addition to fulfilling annual licensing requirements.
In a recent trip to a Chapter 10 (Permian Basin) meeting, Trisha realized the discussion that arose from the Ethics Committee Report provided so much insight into surveying in that region, that she found it more informative than some of the most well rounded speakers on the subject. It gave her an opportunity to witness members opening up and enlightening other members, who have not been in the area as long, about some very pertinent and informative advice. In this case, some considerably obscure court cases and decisions, that, if unaware of when working in the area, could result in some very wrong surveys.
Over the past few years we have heard comments, questions and concerns about earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and how TSPS can help. As everyone is aware, surveyors are required to have at least 12 hours of CEUs per year to renew their license; three of which must be Rules or Ethics taken every year and cannot be carried over from any previous year. You are able to carry over up to eight units from the previous year. (Ref. Texas Board of Professional Surveyors website “self-study” and The Act & Rules 664.3 and 664.4).
From Trisha’s experience with her home chapter, Chapter 11 (Alamo), she was always under the impression that in order for credit to be approved, a speaker had to be at the meeting and a brief bio had to be presented to the TBPLS, as Chapter 11 has done for a number of years. Chapter 11 was also under the impression that members were required to attend 4 meetings a year to qualify for this credit. From Anna’s experience the last few years as Secretary/Treasurer for Chapter 13 (Capital Area), when trying to get clarification, she was informed differently by seaparate sources, believing that the CEUs were only valid for a meeting if there was a speaker. It was evident that not all chapters understood the requirements or the interpretation of the chapter meetings as CEUs in the eyes of the TBPLS and it was clear that chapters were handling their meetings differently in regards to CEUs.
After other chapters inquired about meeting CEUs as well, Trisha researched this with the TBPLS board to get their insight into the rules. We can report that while having a speaker is a great way to hold meetings and boost attendance, it is not mandatory for board approval, as in the Chapter 10 meeting Trisha attended. Having conversations at chapter meetings that lead us to be better surveyors and get CEU credit at the same time is a win for you, your fellow surveyor, the society, and the public which we are charged to protect.
From the discussion over what constituted the rule 664.4 Types of Acceptable Continuing Education (8) that reads “Meetings and activities such as in-service programs which are required as part of one’s job; and have been approved by the board;” Trisha met with board members and requested their interpretation from the rule, thus approving additional ways TSPS can provide CEUs for surveyors.
The board has approved all “regular” chapter meetings (excluding those that are considered recreational functions such as fishing tournaments, softball games, golf tournaments, etc.) for 1 hour of CEU. Many chapters struggle with active participation and attendance at their meetings. These meetings are a good way for you to get your CEU credit with little or no money out of your pocket. There are a few items to remember in order to ensure acceptance of the credit by the board in the case of a CEU audit.
- A chapter officer or delegate must keep a registration or sign-in sheet of the attendees.
- The attendee must be given a receipt or ability to obtain a receipt (i.e. the registration/sign in log).
- The attendee must keep the receipt as part of their records in case of audit, as TBPLS does not maintain CEUs.
- It is the responsibility of the attendee to obtain and keep proof of attendance for an event.
Did you also know there is another great way that TSPS helps you to obtain your CEUs? This opportunity falls under rule 664.4 Types of Acceptable Continuing Education (3) “Teaching or consultation in programs such as institutes, seminars, workshops which provide increased professional knowledge related to the practice of professional land survey.” How do you do this you ask? Under the Education Committee, TSPS offers Course Development workshops each year where we look for members to volunteer to assist in developing courses for presentation at the annual Symposium. These courses are also available to chapters under the TSPS Brand Courses. Speakers/Presenters of the courses are awarded CEU credit for teaching those courses. As someone who has worked on developing courses and presenting them, Trisha can tell you that it is work but it is also very rewarding. If you are interested in getting involved in Course Development, you can contact Education Chair Chester Varner or visit ww.tsps.org/coursedev.
TSPS offers its members many benefits in addition to the ones mentioned here. Did you know you can track your CEUs in your profile on the TSPS website? For any State TSPS course you attend you can print your Certificate of Attendance. Here’s how:
- Login at www.tsps.org.
- Go to My Profile.
- Click the Professional Development tab on the left of the screen.
- Find the class/classes you completed and click print!
We hope to see you at a future TSPS chapter meeting and/or event. We are blessed to have such a great and strong Society but it is nothing without the support, attendance and active participation of our members. For both Trisha and Anna, this is one of the best parts of TSPS… members networking with other members, not just for business purposes but to truly help their fellow surveyor. Trisha may be a big city girl with a small town soul, and Anna may be a small town girl who landed in the big city, but both feel that there is no better way to meet your fellow surveyors than becoming active in TSPS! The more active you become, the more connections you make. The more connections you make, the more resources you have available – all of which can be beneficial for you, your company and the surveying profession. As with anything we do in Texas…Let’s make it bigger and better!
Posted Friday, February 10, 2017