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The Texas Surveyors Foundation, Inc. (TSFI) was formed to support charitable, educational and scientific purposes including the following:
The Trustees of Texas Surveying Foundation, Inc. (TSFI) are committed to supporting the education of future surveyors. The Trustees raise funds and award scholarships to students pursuing a career in land surveying.
Steven J. Freeman, II, Chair Paul Carey, Vice Chair Trisha Lund-Wittig, Secretary Shane Neally, Treasurer Chris Freeman, TSPS Appointee Bill O'Hara, Trustee at Large Anissa Borders, Trustee at Large Kenneth Yazel, Trustee at Large Robby Christopher, TSPS Past President
TSFI needs your support and the support of your chapter. You can help by utilizing the forms below.
Thank you in advance for your continued help and support for TSFI! The Texas Surveyors Foundation, Inc. (TSFI) received its charter pursuant to the Texas Non-profit Corporation Act on November 12, 1982.
11/4/2024In Memoriam - David Nesbitt, RPLS, LSLS
8/22/2024In Memoriam - John David Fisher
8/19/2024In Memoriam - J. Dale Moore
CST Exam (Paper Only) - HOUSTON
2/21/2025 » 2/22/2025
TSPSymposium/1st Quarter Board Meeting
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