MARK YOUR CALENDARS: 2024 ANNUAL SURVEYING EDUCATION FOUNDATION OF TEXAS, INC. (S.E.F.T.) SEMINAR Tyler Junior College – West Campus 1530 SSW Loop 323 Tyler, Texas 75701 Thursday, December 5, 2024 TBPELS PRESENTATION Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Staff 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM (4 PDH) (Meets Ethics/Rules PDH requirements) Course Description: Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Staff will review the current state of the board and update attendees on rule changes, examination changes, licensing/application process, complaint process, and more with a question and answer session. Friday, December 6, 2024 GLO WORKING SKETCHES Mark J. Neugebauer, LSLS/RPLS Jason Jernigan, RPLS, PMP 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM (4 PDH) Course Description: Over the years, surveying professionals have prepared thousands of Working Sketches, which are archived at the Texas General Land Office (GLO).Mark J. Neugebauer, LSLS/RPLS (Chief Surveyor of the Texas GLO) and Jason Jernigan, RPLS will present a comprehensive overview of the Texas GLO’s records, detailing their history, and providing explanations of Working Sketches from various parts of the state. They will also instruct attendees how to interpret original fieldnotes and how to prepare a Working Sketch using established methodology and principles accepted by the Texas GLO. BOUNDARY RETRACEMENT Paul Carey, LSLS/RPLS Stephanie Prosser, RPLS 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM (4 PDH) Course Description: Paul Carey, LSLS/RPLS and Stephanie Prosser, RPLS will discuss the fundamental rules, laws, and guidelines for land boundary retracement procedures. Topics will include retracement of original survey lines, junior/senior rights, partitions and simultaneous conveyances, dignity of calls, recognizing conflicts, ambiguities, and discrepancies, and more. REGISTRATION FEE RPLS: $350.00 for all Sessions $250.00 for both Friday Sessions $150.00 for a single ½ day Session REGISTRATION FEE NON-RPLS: $125.00 for all Sessions $100.00 for both Friday Sessions $50.00 for single ½ day Session Click Here to Print Out Registration Form